Have your in-laws gone home yet you still have an unwanted guest? End the game of hide and squeak, conduct your own rodent inspection. With a torch, examine dark areas high and low. Some areas you may find rodents include pantries, closets, garden sheds, boxes, under appliances and in your roof. The signs you have rats and mice include:

1. Droppings

Rodent droppings are often your first sign that rats or mice are present. Mouse droppings are small, less than half a centimetre, and pointed on both ends. Rat droppings are one centimetre or larger. New droppings are shiny and have a sticky consistency, while old ones are hard and fragile. Varying feces sizes indicate that youngsters and adults are present.

Rat and Mice Droppings

2. Foul Odours

Rodent urine has a strong musky odour, and a rotten smell can indicate that you have a dead rodent in your home. The best way to manage these smells is to locate and clean the urine, and if you can find the dead rodent, wear gloves, place it in a plastic bag and dispose of it in your rubbish bin. There are times you may not be able to locate the dead rodent as they can die in the roof or your walls. The scent of a dead rodent can be unpleasant to live with, but the scent goes away after a few days. We can provide Rodent Odour Absorbing Treatment if the scent is unbearable; ask our team for a quote.

3. Gnaw Marks and Holes

Rodents can cause damage to wiring, metal, plastic piping and wood to create entry points into your home. This can cost you thousands of dollars in repair or replacements. They do this in seek of warmth, water and food. If you find gnaw marks and small holes, it’s a definite sign that rats and mice are around.

Rat Gnaw Marks
These are gnawed marks from a rat attempting to gain access through a closed wooden door.

4. Noises at Night

Rodents are most active at night. When you climb into your bed, you may hear scratching sounds as they run inside walls, in your roof and along the floors. The noise of them scratching can be scary for children and even adults.

5. Rodent Nests

Norway rats nest outdoors in burrows, deep in the ground. Roof rats typically nest above ground in roofs, trees, or dense vegetation. To build their nests, mice will shred paper, string, and other pliable materials.

Norway Rat Outdoor Ground Nest

6. Unusual Pet Behaviour

Pets tend to act unusual when they hear or smell rodents in the house. They may appear extremely alert, bark, or begin to paw at spaces beneath refrigerators, stoves, or low-clearance pieces of furniture.

7. You See Them Scurry

Common places you may catch a rodent scurrying are beside walls, on ledges, on pipes, along electrical wires and on your fence/gate.

What to do if you have signs of Rodents?

Are you sick of playing a constant game of cat and mouse? DIY traps and baits can be challenging and sometimes dangerous if not applied correctly around your home. Rats and mice are quick to multiply. A female mouse can be pregnant five to ten times per year and birth three to fourteen pups. Often rodents will continue to come back after you treat them. It can feel frustrating when attempting to keep them away. Save time and money by getting your rodent treatment completed by a professional. Call the friendly staff at Your Local Termite and Pest Control on 1800 556 225 or Book Online Now!